
Welcome to my Website!

"The way to truly own a homeland is by knowing the historical events that have taken place on that land, understanding the civilizations that were born there, and embracing them as one's own."

I am a Traveller n Explorer Professional Tourist Guide

About Me

I am Nişan Aziz, an Anatolian-Mesopotamian with a passion for exploration and travel, working as a Professional Tourist Guide. My role is to provide detailed information about the culture, geography, architecture, and many other features of the places we visit. As a cultural ambassador, I take great pleasure in sharing our traditions and customs, as well as the historical treasures of the regions we explore. To continually improve myself, I regularly engage in reading and strive to obtain the most accurate information. Whenever possible, I love visiting different countries to experience and immerse myself in their cultures.

Nişan Aziz Koç




Guests are the guests of God

a Kurdish Proverb

Love is Guidance

Oceanus Mosaic from the rich coastal villas of the Euphrates River - Zeugma Mosaic Museum , Gaziantep/ Türkiye